Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Thought.

This song, "The Altar and the Door" is the self titled song off of Casting Crowns' latest album. I had gotten the cd from a friend and listened to it and when I came across this song, I immediately fell in love with it. It's just so heartfelt that I could not resist the lyrics. After reading a couple of interviews, I couldn't help but think that Mark Hall is SO right! So many times, as Christians, we are completely transparent at the altar and before God's throne. We let our weaknesses be known and we are opened and exposed....and then we leave church and for most of us, we forget what we experienced at the altar and we go on with our week as if God did not speak to us. This is not what He wants at all!!! The purpose of calling ourselves Christians is that we are working on becoming more and more like Christ with each day, each MINUTE of knowing Him!!! I'm guilty of doing this as well, I fully believe we all succomb to this particular weakness. There are Sundays where I will be in church and not feel a thing, I'll have my soul closed off from God. All He wants is for me to love Him and let myself be loved in return. There are times when I am singing the songs but I know I'm just going through the motions of it all. My idea is this: let's make an honest effort to carry what we learn at the altar THROUGH to Monday. and Tuesday. and all the way until Saturday and see how our next Sunday's worship has changed. When we realize we are personal representatives for Christ Himself, maybe we will start to take on the responsibility that is ours through our namesake as Christians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
