Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama. Barack Obama.

Okay so he is our president, yes? But that does not mean I have like him, nope. Sure I will pray for him but that does not mean I am made to like him and his ideas. All the troops home from Iraq in 18 months or whatev it is?? Uh huh. Yeah, and then what? More terrorist attacks? More American lives taken? Sure, great idea. Of course I know that God says that we should respect our leaders and pray for them and such and I will do so. However, I just feel so dang UNEASY about this guy. To see him speak and see the hope he gives really, sincerely bothers me. So many people, especially young people are enthralled with him, thinking "oh yay! our first black president! one who wants change and peace!" to me, that is simply unnerving. I doubt any of them (at least not many) have studied end times prophecy, much less care about it. At times, I feel as though this could be close to the end and the Rapture could be today or tomorrow or next week even! Then again, other times, it is almost as though he is "just" another president, like the ones before him. I've been throwing these ideas around in my mind ever since it was evident of his popularity and now that he has been elected and sworn in, something in my mind and soul just screams, "NO!" I don't know how to explain it but I guess I wonder if there are any other people out there feeling there anyone else like me who thinks and/or feels this way?? Right now I'm so torn between opinions and decisions...all I want is an answer and I know I must wait for that answer; patience sure would be nice!! Anyway, those are my current thoughts...Obama...hrm. <><>


Anonymous said...

I was looking up Obama blogs so I could get some facts for a research paper I am doing and youres showed up and it intrested me. I am 21 yrs old nd i voted for Barack Obama, and I believe he will have the troops home whenhe says nd that there wont be anymore terrorist attacks becaz we are ready if smthing came up nd honestly by keeping troops there arent lives being takentoo? if we got them out of there the then are LESS chances of anything happening because if a terrorist attack was to happen i dont think it would be possibly because we are are ready but think what you want. And I have been to iraq because my dad is an army guy and my boyfriend is over there, and its horrible over there, this war is changing too many people and we need them out of there, and excuse me, but don't say that peolel jhsut voted for him becauz he is black, that had ntohign to do iwht why i voted for him, i researched both him and mccain and found more trust, respect, and honesty in mccain. And frasnkly it sounds to me like you are being racist or somerthing, now you might not be but thats how it comes off, i am just saying, if some random person read this, like me, they could get that imprsseion of it. And you are saying obama is going to end this world/ that is stupid, seriously. And did you even vote for at all? Because if you didnt vote, you ahve no reason to dispute about who was elected.

Anonymous said...

Actually, yes I did vote thank you very much and no I am not racist. There are many many more things about Obama that I dislike, but to be honest, this was a venting kind of blog because I was sick of hearing everyone talk about how he is going to "save us" and all that kind of just really irks me when people talk and have no idea what they are actually offense to you whatsoever. This is my own private blog and I write what I think and what I feel, I don't let anyone tell me what to think. And I won't apologize for anything I said because it is what I think and believe and maybe it doesn't agree with your opinions but you know what? That is okay.