Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Blogg...yay?!

So, I decided I like to write too much to not have a blog (: lol. so...I created a blogger blog! haha! well, it was either this or xanga and this lets me edit the html so yea, the little i know about html will be nice to change. So, just today I started this "experiment" called the 60-60 Day Experiment. The idea is to talk to God at least once every 60 minutes for 60 days. Its kinda from this book called "Soul Revolution" by John Burke. I don't know much about him or anything but I got this book at a conference with Tracy Wheat and it really looked good and I'm hoping it will grow me closer to God, the ultimate goal of everything I do (or so I'd like to think most days). I've started it pretty decently strong I believe and I cannot wait to see what has changed in me by the end!! On another note, we started the 2nd round of True Love Waits, a unit on purity in X-Roads and small group...this time I'm LEADING. Yikes. Sometimes I wonder why God has me leading younger girls who it seems like I can hardly relate to, but I just noticed this last week, that they all respect me...and that really surprised me. In high school I was definitely never one of the "in" crowd or a prep or whatever you choose to call them, but they relate to and respect what I have to say and to me, that was just a huge moment when I realized it. I conlude then with the point that I still have no idea why He has placed me here, but I am determined to serve Him as best I can while I'm where I am at, at this point in my life. Peace <3

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