Friday, October 1, 2010

in six days.

i am going to be going to see Disciple for the 4th time in the last 2 years,
i'm rather excited, especially with the VIP tix which means meeting tfk and
disciple and possibly ivoryline, though i'm not really into them much at all...
i'm going for disciple.

it's going to be nearly a 4 hour car trip and i'm kind of nervous about it...
it's going to be me and my friend who i haven't actually hung out with just
the two of us for quite some time. ever since my other friend has been living
at my house, he's always there whenever i hang out with anyone really so i
have mixed feelings about it. i'm hoping so very much that i'm paranoid and
it won't be weird but i won't lie that i have fear that our friendship is past
repairs...been there done that and it hurts beyond imagination.

for any of my friends who actually read this (i'm not entirely sure if anyone
does anymore...not that that keeps me from posting) i apologize for being
distant and empty lately. it's very easy to get lost in loneliness and just
accept "okay" and not push for more.

on another topic, i have such intense emotions about VIP tickets next thursday...
meeting tfk and more importantly, disciple. i fully believe i could be nervous
enough to throw nerves have been known to do that before...dear jen,
i promise if i puke in your car it'll be out the window :P

alright there's an update i suppose.... i'm not too good at blogging regularly.



Elraen said...

Boo. I still read it. ;-)

Enjoy the Disciple show (as if I even need to tell you :-P)!

Anonymous said...

I love the pic :) and I still read :)