Wednesday, July 14, 2010

i am holding onto the visions i've seen of what i could be, it's what i should be.

this lyric is from a song by kutless used on the chronicles of narnia soundtrack.

i've often felt like this song was singing to me, but more now than ever... with the potential to be in a completely different city, totally on my own next year?

i talked to one of the school directors today about how things are going and my thoughts and it was really awesome...he was nothing but encouraging and that really empowered me to chase this more than i have been. to be more proactive...

okay slow down, rewind. i forgot what i've posted here in my blog and what some people just plain KNOW... so basically, i have applied and am hoping to be accepted to the Living Light School of Worship for this next school year. my application is in, i've visited, sat in on some classes, met the school directors and such. all of my experiences have been positive and my perception is that this is what God wants for me, i have absolutely no clue why, but nothing has ever felt more right... i have such complete peace about it, but then again i guess i knew a long time ago that i was meant to go to kenosha... so many things in my past that have pushed me there and i resisted...didn't go, stayed away...but now, i realize there is a purpose for me to go there, and whatever that is, i just have to trust God with it. even if i DON'T get onto the school of worship this year, i still need to go.

so anyway, i'm writing this blog to explain that i am still chasing this, and once again i have begun to chase after God again. i fall so so many times and it's harder to get back up everytime, but everytime He's there with His hand outstretched to help me up, the scars in his hands a reminder of what it cost Him to be there for me... and i am motivated.

love can motivate a lot of things ♥

so if you could all please pray for this for me, it would be really super awesome :)

i'm working right now, 2 jobs, plus i've started working on some fundraising ideas, so i am praying that if this is God's will, that He will open the doors and provide for me. some of my friends who are in a band are going to talk and see what they can do for me...which means more to me than anything because they are very dear friends (one of them is the reason i have a bass to play and know what i do!) well, it just means a lot that they would try and help me out :) it also proves to me that by pursuing this, God is going to reward my efforts and bless me and that astounds me. i don't get how some people can NOT love Him when He does such amazing things ♥ ahh well that's enough of an update for now =)


Elraen said...

My prayers are always, always with you in this. I'm so glad that the phonecall ended up being encouraging instead of terrifying. :-)

His love is strong. <3

Anonymous said...

Praying for you! You go girl!! :D