Saturday, March 3, 2012

the light meets the dark...years later.


He is so relentless.

after a week and a half of very hard days and nights, i believe He is changing me to see something new.

You make all things new.

i think that if we didn't resist Him, there would be so many things we wouldn't learn.
don't misunderstand me... i wish my heart could be completely His 24/7, every second of everyday.
but i know that i fail.
and i do hate that i fail Him.
it does cause me deep sorrow.

but in brokenness, there is restoration.
in emptiness, there is a filling.
where there is death, there is also new life.

even Paul says that the darkness only shows the beauty and brightness of God's perfect Light.

in the infamous words of Jon Foreman,

"the shadow proves the sunshine"

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