Wednesday, April 20, 2011


to everyone who reads along with my posts, i'm sure you can tell that by the title of this post, it's not been an easy ride to living in Kenosha. now, please do not mistake me. i am 100% here because of God, but it has not been easy for me. i knew it wouldn't be though. growing and stretching, dying to yourself are never easy. they are always hard for a reason, the pain makes it worth it.

it's been beautiful but very hard at the same time.
i know that God's hand has been in bringing me here, every single part of it.
that makes the hard parts bearable, it makes it easier to know that when i'm crying out that He hears me, He's holding me, He's just plain there.

adjusting to a new way of life, new work environments, new relationships with people, that stuff hasn't been the hard part. it becomes a routine after awhile you know.

i just hate... certain things. things that are even hard to write.
i hate that the people i care about here most, i rarely see.
i hate that it's nearly been a month that i've been here and still i barely know anyone.
i hate that it's still nasty weather (ok that one i'll just suck up and deal with)
but mostly?

i hate that something is not okay and i feel like i'm screaming but no one is hearing me.
i am not a person to ever say that something is wrong, i just deal with it.
i don't even know who to turn to anymore, everything is so complicated and really people are busy so i don't have anyone to talk to. i just keep hoping and praying that i stop having nights like my birthday, because let's face it, crying until you can't anymore just sucks and exhausts a person.

off to sleep now. work tomorrow, then hopefully getting to see Lyssa.
maybe even homegroup if i can force myself to be around people.

1 comment:

Elraen said...

*hugs Liz tight* I am praying for you, and will continue to do so. I wish I could be there for you in person, as always... but know that you are not invisible. You are not forgotten. You are not stranded. You are loved, and God is working even in the hard parts.

Love you, dear friend. <3