Sunday, November 7, 2010

to be a person of integrity.

have you ever questioned your integrity?
do you even know what integrity means?

the definition of the word as defined by webster:

integrity: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

have you ever questioned your integrity?

this is something i've been called out on lately by the Lord.
i've begun to realize that at work and just in my day-to-day dealing with people,
i am not a person of sound integrity.

with being in the business of retail especially, i am finding it hard to maintain this sound
honesty and adhering to my morals. with my one job, i work clothing & fashion basically
so giving compliments and flattering people (especially women) is something that will
more often than not get them to purchase your product. with our high pressure to add-on
and sell, sell, sell, i've realized that i will say things to people to persuade them, lie even.

i am not okay with that.

so once i realized what was happening, my task then became clear, to change my actions
and words to go back to my standards of integrity, not so people can say about me,
"wow she is a woman of good character and integrity!" no. i want to be reflective of Christ
in my words and actions and when i am being untruthful and i am wearing clothes that are
not modest (which is easy to do when you're expected to be "fasionable" and "in season")
i am not reflecting Him. in the words of Disciple,

"how can you be of God when you look/when you dress/when you smell just like the world?"

the ultimate truth is that we as Christians cannot accept mediocrity and being "okay" if
we expect to be extraordinary and to change the world!!

in the words of my church's pastor,

"Many of you get up early on Sunday mornings
which is your only day to sleep in...that's WEIRD!!"

with that statement he was speaking to the fact that our actions and
lives are not to be the same as those who do not know Christ.

so let's be RADICAL! let's be a people of love
and integrity with words and actions infallible!!

this is how we will change the world :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved that saying by pastor :D