Thursday, August 19, 2010

because i need to update.

dear bloggers, it's been a really tough season for me.

i've had to face quite a few crushing things lately and i know the fire refines us
but that doesn't make it easier.

basically... this year i'm not going to be doing the School of Worship, nor am i going to Kenosha like i'd been hoping/planning. so that's that.

um, for those who haven't heard i've gotten a 2nd job at another store in the mall, not even close to as fun as the one i had first but a job's a job. also, my first job has upped my hours there for now because i have open availability and a couple of the other associates have cut their hours down to hardly nothing... so i get them. yeah. basically, that means i work now. a lot. having a day off is basically miraculous, though it's happened where i get one day off a week, sometimes. cool.

let's see, i think the last thing i should mention is that on tuesday my younger sister, Anita, moved out and up to the cities with my older brother and his fam for the time being. she's going to college up there and starting her own life.
i'd say our house now has one less inhabitant...except it doesn't.
my friend jared has been staying here with us while he's in a transition period for his
future, either he'll stay here and work or move to somewhere in illinois to work at a camp
and such. it's been nice having someone around but at the very same time i long for solitude
and to be alone. things are so much easier when i don't have to show effort for other people.

i think that's all for now...if you have any questions, comment me, message me, whatever. yep.

1 comment:

Elraen said...

Still praying for you, friend. Hold on. Now will not last forever. <3