Friday, March 26, 2010

A Change of Pace

Alrighty this is just a really quick update (since I'm trying to do so more often since I've neglected this thing for so long...). Basically, it's about 11:30 at night and early tomorrow morning my parents and I are taking off for KENOSHA!!!!!!! I am very excited to go back there & see people again, visit some familiar places, meet some new faces and most of all, show my parents the church & school and such, introduce them to Cara and Heidi (who they've seen photos of and heard me mention in passing). I'm excited to introduce them to Kal and show them that just because LLC believes in tongues and head coverings and other things that seem "extreme" and "crazy" to them, they are just normal, everyday people who love Jesus just like they do. Honestly, I'm quite on edge about this weekend. It could either go really well or really awful, now, I do not believe it will be awful, er...well I believe it shouldn't. My dear friend Elraen has repeatedly told me, God's got this, He's planned this, it's going to go the way He wants it really, I need to stop worrying and just RELAX...which I don't think will happen until we are on the road but hey I can think it right? :P

I plan on making a vlog this weekend for a few select friends to see (probably not everyone but...maybe, I'm not sure yet) so if nothing else, be prepared for some photos :) I'm armed with a new, epic, awesome, FUN camera and I'm not afraid to use it! *wields like a sword*

OH! Speaking of swords!!!! At work we have these foam ones for our next floorset and man did we have fun with those today when they got there!! Me and 2 of the managers (gahh I love those ladies! haha we ALWAYS have fun!) were like "fighting" with them, it was amazing. I even got to properly use the words "touche" and "engarde" without hurting anyone! haha. okay well i do believe my nails are dry and that i really should finish my packing and get to bed! oh yeah... i have to write out my Christian testimony in 100-120 words first o.O maybe i'll do that on the way shouldn't be TOO hard should it? eek.

pray for me? :)

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