Friday, December 10, 2010

this time.

remember those times when things were rushing past you and it seemed like life wouldn't stop for anything and you would laugh and cry, usually in the same day, thinking nothing could happen, nothing could change this, loving it and hating it at the same time and then one day...

it just STOPPED.

it wasn't bad. it isn't bad.

it's just stillness.

and you are expectant.

and you are searching.

because you are hungry.

so you turn off the tv

and set the ipod aside,

and your ravenous heart runs

and searches, and seeks,, it's longing.

and then just when you're almost at the end

of your rope because what you have been seeking

seems to be evading you,

you're at the top of the mountain, and

you are on your face before What you have been seeking,

Whom you have been seeking.

and it is beautiful.

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