Monday, June 14, 2010

stressful day and oh how i wish i could sleep!

that is how today felt.

i didn't go to bed til late because well...i almost never do, i don't really sleep... ha.
and i planned on getting up for church this morning and going...but when my alarm went off and
i stood up to get movin, i felt so nauseous i was like okay back to bed.
so, with a sigh, i lay back down and after about ten minutes of feeling sick i passed out.

had to get up at noon cuz i had to bed to work at one, and when i rolled out of bed this time i felt better. i wasn't nauseous but i still didn't feel at one hundred percent. but oh well, i had to go to work. so i showered and got dressed and left the house about 5 minutes later than usual...great.

my day was already starting off with super stress because i had to speed to even think about getting to work on time...and i really hate speeding. i get very anxious when i speed but i have an irrational fear of cops so go figure right?

well, i sped the whole way to work (minus when i almost hit a deer. yep. typical right?)
and i got there and NATURALLY the parking lot was fulllllllll so i had to park practically in the buffalo phil's parking lot (um suck much?) but praise God i found a spot RIGHT away and it was on the very end of a row so that was super awesome. alright, i booked it into the store and discovered i was doing alright for time, i still had time to get my uniform straightened up and clock in WHEW! i breathed a sigh of relief.

welllllllllll... after about 20 minutes working it was very apparent that it was gonna be a pretty steady day... ok cool, busy is fine. well, once it got to be close to closing time i was not pleased. i filled everything 4 times in 5 hours. that's nuts! and you know, i like to at least TRY to keep things in the store somewhat neat looking but nope. tonight was just chaos. (my personal favorite are the people who totally destroy everything and then buy nothing, really people really???) *inhale*

anywho, then we were closing and that was fine but right at the last second this lady brings her two kids in... wonderful. so that a) kept me from finishing closing stuff b) made more of a mess to clean up 3) was just all around annoying. since i was already crabby none of this was helping in the least bit.

okay CLOSED. hallelujah right? not exactly.
now, store meeting...with like MAYBE 2/3 of the team? it would have been better with everyone but oh well you take what you can get. so yeah, that meeting was long. not that i dislike our team or anything because i definitely LOVE where i work, no questions asked, however... i was crabby, tired and really wanting to not be around people.... unfortunately. there were some really great ideas brought up and a few new things, more reminders of older things than anything else, i mean the meeting was to get us ready for summer as a team so in retrospect i definitely think we accomplished that, i just was crabby and wanting to not be there.

well i went home after that and relaxed for awhile, put on some comfy clothes and then i was reading and just chillllllllllllllllllllllin then i decided to go online for awhile, chatted with some of my favorite peeps (miss polska!!!!!!) and just when i decided to get offline and attempt sleep, my favorite duck popped up on aim "hey how's it goin?"
truth: i want seclusion from people and sleep. i feel like crap.
what i actually said: "good, and you?"

well... it was good conversation. i really needed it and i didn't even know it at the time.
and truthfully, i did more listening than i did talking but after we chatted i felt sooo much better...more relaxed? relieved? gosh i don't even know exactly what, just BETTER. so we said goodnight and i went to go take my contacts out and what happens? i turn around to grab my glasses and she's popped back up, sent me a song that totally made my night that much better.

♥ very grateful to have her in my life. :)


i wake up at like 10 a.m. every day whether i want to or not and it doesn't matter what time i go to bed!! for instance, it's 4:22 a.m. yes right now! and i'm tired yet i'm not tired. i probably won't sleep very peacefully. if i DO fall asleep i'm sure i will toss and turn all night long.... it's just been that way for about 2-3 weeks now. SUCK.

okay insomniac signing off so she can go take her melatonin & try to be normal with sleeping and such!


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