lately it's been changing a LOT and i've been hanging out with a lot of different people so it's been sooo different but it's also been a blast! from hangin out with my friend kate to my sisters and i being crazy and fun to jumping into a lake completely spontaneously with my gabby friend...which is mostly what this blog is about.
okay technically, gabby was my sister's friend first but ever since the first time she was at our house, we just kinda clicked and we are texting buddies so we talk allllll the time, like the most random stuff ever it's hilarious. she's my girly girl frannnn. haha. we do our toenails and talk about guys and drive to the dells just to get starbuckss cuz we can :)
well, tonight, val and i decided we both REALLY wanted starbucks which is how this all started. i've not had starbucks in about 3-4 weeks give or take so i'm like, okay i can treat myself and make this a perfect day off (i didn't have to work today at either job so it was just awesome). so, i texted gabby (who lives closeish to me) and was like "what is gabbbbby doing tonight?" and she didn't respond foreverrrr then when val and i were already halfway to the dells she's like "just layin on my couch what's liz doin?" so i'm like "coming to get you! be ready!" and she didn't believe me so it was really funny. we got to her house and i honked obnoxiously cuz it's what i do then we took off to go to starbucks and omgosh driving in the dells with gabby and val is the besttt. we ALL like to yell at people walking (ha ha tourists!) so we were doing that and saw this truck with a carseat in the bed of the truck and we were mortified like, people put their kids in like that?? it wasn't just sitting in the truck bed, it was STRAPPED in and upright!! seriously people!! so we were laughing and already having a fun time and the song "california gurls" by katy perry came on the radio && that's our summer song so we jammed out of COURSE and by then we were at our drinks and i decided we should go to mirror lake since we had nothing better to do.
well, we got out at my favorite trail out of all of them and gabby's like "oh!! oh!! i know this one! we go swimming here all the time!" and i was surprised, i didn't know she even knew it haha. so we went down to the secret spot that only locals know about and climbed around on the rocks a lot and took some kraaaaaaaazy pictures
then Gabby turns to me and goes "let's go jump in the water!" and i'm like "uh...we didn't bring other clothes or swimsuits..." and Gab is like "so what? let's do it anyway!" so i'm like "alright what the hell let's do it!" so we did :P
okay so the sun was almost down now and where we were, there WAS no sun so the water was quite chilly where it was deeper and the part of the lake we were in has this ridiculous drop-off and Gabby goes "let's jump off the drop-off and get totally soaked!" (up until this point we were only sitting in the water so our shoulders and such were still dry. i looked at her and i'm like... "there's a DROP OFF?" i was honestly not too excited about that but it ended up being an absolute BLAST.
our pants were getting really heavy from the water so they were like FALLING OFF while we were swimming around oh gosh it was so funny! then we were splashing around and this bird like DIVE BOMBS us and Gabby's like "oh look at the little baby birds in the rocks!" and then she turns to look at me and goes "Hey Liz, what sound do baby birds make?" and we both started squawking it was the funniest sound in the whole world, and it was even FUNNIER because val was making a video of us at the time and if you're my facebook friend you can see it ahaha we were sooo hyper from the coffee xD
well then we got cold enough and decided to get out of the water and climb back UP the rocks before it got so dark we couldn't see properly. we were wringing out pants out, i discovered a little bit of seaweed that was clinging to me so i joked with Gabby that i found dessert for her and we pretended to eat it and then it was our "special" "mistletoe" haha it was so much fun :)
after that we walked back the long trail to get to my car and we realized that val was the only one dry yet (because she hadn't gone in with us) and that it was why people were giving us funny looked like she was the jerk who pushed us in hahaha. so we took THIS picture as a joke:
ohh such great fun!
finally, Gabby and i were STILL covered in algae and dirt and such so we decided to go to the shower buildings and get ourselves sorted out a bit better and we went in the same shower and Gabby thought it would be funny if she hid behind me so we took this pic and it wasn't until after we realized it appeared as though she was naked...which she actually wasn't!! hahaha. she was definitely wearing clothes xD
finally the day was ended with this GORGEOUS sunset as we drove back to our house :)
I. LOVE. SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!