Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yay I'm Posting Again!!

Hey everybody!! (=

I know, I know I haven't posted in quite awhile!! I'm sorry!! lol I've just been sooo busy!!

Hmm...let's see what's been going on...well, I went to Minnesota & visited my brother & his family for 2 weeks, which was just an amazing great time, I really love them a lot...especially my niece! Haha her name is Allie & she's 3 and I taught her the first verse of the Llama song which I thought was especially funny cuz now anytime someone says "llama" or "duck" she starts to sing it!! LOL. It's even funnier cuz her brother, my nephew, who is 12 (I think, yes? lol) get annoyed by the llama song so it's funny that I taught her to sing it! LOL. While I was staying there, almost every morning she'd wake me up by either singing the llama song or cheerfully shouting "Aunt Elizabeth, it's time to get up!!" haha it was the cutest!! :) While I'm on that subject, I should like to announce that come the end of July, I will be moving to Minnesota :) My brother & sister offered for me to stay with them and then I'd be able to go to school in the city and work there and basically have a lot more opportunity than I do here in the Burg. I'm very excited because I'm not going to be a teacher anymore...after taking a couple of lit classes, I just determined teaching really is not my thing, I don't think I could do it every day for the rest of my life you know? And well, being on student government taught me a lot about myself cuz I had to put myself out there and do things that made me uncomfortable so I'm changing the direction of my life and that is exciting!!

At this point, I'm kind of annoyed with myself for taking so long to decide this because if I would have moved sooner, I'd have been able to get a job sooner...I mean, how much sense does it make to get a job here and then 2 weeks later quit cuz I'm moving? lol. Yeah none at all lol, which a very trusted friend pointed out to me. (haha thanks girl!! you always know how to keep me from doing dumb stuff! lol). BUT I'm taking a year off of school (well a full time year off, I might take a class or two on the side yet) to work and figure things out with people who will offer constructive advice, unlike my parents...anyway moving on!!

While I was at my bro's I got to visit 2 wonderful people whom I met in Disaster Relief last summer, Randy & Elaine!!! The last time I'd seen them was Empower in January so it was incredibly exciting to be able to have lunch with them while I was visiting! Love those ladies!! Hehe. And Randy asked me if I'd talk to the other Liz & we could see about volunteering at the kid's camp at her church in August!! It's a week long thing and by then I'll be moved into my brother's and Liz & Randy & Elaine & I are going to do a fun sleepover, hanging out every single moment we can thing,, which will be just wonderful...haha look out Minnesota, with the 4 of us together, you're going to NEED disaster relief! LOL. But seriously, I am pumped for this because I love working with kids and spending time with my favorite people in the world is a plus!! (=

And...well since I've been home, well, the day I got home, it was the Relay for Life cancer thing and as soon as I got home I had wanted to go see my dad walk the survivor's lap cuz I remember what it was like when we found out he had cancer and now all these years later, its huge that he still gets to walk that lap ya know? Unfortunately, I had gotten motion sick on the drive home & ended up going home and pretty much sleeping from like 5 pm til the next morning, it was awful...ugh motion sickness=horrible!!

But then the next day was awesome cuz Liz came over & we got to hang out!! It was the best cuz we went to an Isaiah 42:10 concert in Wautoma and REPRESENTED! lol we are #1 fans let there be no question!! haha and we all joked about how Jeff (Kelly's dad) REALLY needs a haircut lol and how at one point during the show, he couldn't even see to play cuz his hair was so long and that pretty soon he'd be doing hair commercials!! LOL oh funny stuff!! But yeah, we totally rocked out and had a blast & me & Liz found this AWESOME little footbridge that went over a very tame creek, but it was gorgeous and not many people had been to it we think so that was fun & peaceful...and while we were driving home from the show, the sunset was to DIE for so we had to get out of the car & take pics over the Wisconsin was breath taking!! I love sunsets!! But anywho, we got home & me & Liz got ready for bed (lol it was like 11:30!!) and ended up laying in the dark talking til 1 a.m. and haha we had church the next morning! lol.

So the next morning we had a wicked amazing church service!! That day marked the final payment on our church's mortgage!! It was an awesome celebration Sunday!! I remember when our church stepped out in faith to take out the loan to build a bigger sanctuary onto our church because our membership had grown so much we had had to go to 2 services in order to fit into the old one...and now...we have the HUGE sanctuary and may have to go to 2 services again!! Isn't God amazing?? But anyway, we had celebration & a carnival like thing for the Promiseland (Sunday school) kids who had finished the year awesomely and we had like 15 baptisms I think which is always a joyous occasion and while everyone else was eating lunch (ugh I was NOT, I had too much sugar the day before!!) I noticed Becky Waddel trying to eat while holding her little one (she's a single mom) and I offered to hold her little guy while she ate and I could tell she was grateful and that made me smile cuz I love kids hehe.

And...I think that's about all...oh wait my car lol!! oh yes...stupid car! Lol.

Well, before I had left for Minnesota, my dad said it sounded like something in the engine was missing and that while I was gone, he'd get his friend (who works on cars for a living) to check it out & the guy did and some cap thing was cracked in the engine & almost all of my sparkplugs were yeah, the day of the concert when Liz was over, I had to take my car to this guy's house and drop it off...I was afraid I'd need it and not have it! Lol. But Don fixed it right up and 2 days later I had it back again better than when I bought it!! Ahh I'm thankful my dad has friends like that cuz he hardly charges anything for servicing vehicles,, we pretty much just have to buy the stuff & he'll fix it for almost nothing, he's a really great guy!

Well I'm getting tired now woo hoo the caffeine from earlier today is finally wearing off!!
Goodnight all & hope you enjoyed my update =)

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