Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Little Bit About Me For A Change.

Hey all of you lovely readers :)
This is just a post to update friends on my life...since it's
been awhile since I actually wrote about me and what's going
on with me and life and such.

Where to start? Hmm...I guess I would have to start with
the fact that as of now, I am not moving anywhere! That's
pretty huge as it is, but I feel as though God wants me here
and so I'm staying :)

Also, next fall, I will not be going to school...for the first time
since I first started school, it will be fall and I will not be in a
classroom, it's very weird for me to think of and it's also hard
because of the next item on my list: I'm not going to be a teacher
anymore. This is hard because I've had my mind set on being
a teacher since I was in the sixth grade, maybe even earlier who
knows? Any way around it, God spoke clearly to me and teaching
is not in the least not the way I had planned for so long.

So what am I going to do instead?

Something music related. Right now, I'm just doing what I can to
learn as many different skills as I can, because I'm not sure where
the doors will open, and I want to be prepared. I'm going to dig my
flute out and start playing again :) First time in over a's been
too long...I fear I will be terrible and have forgotten everything =/
Guess I'll find out tomorrow!!

In addition to all of this, I ended up talking to Ben (the student/worship)
pastor at our church and I'm going to be getting involved with the
worship team! Honestly, I think this is what I am most excited about at
this point in time...doing something that I love for the God I love with
people I love =)

So far that's it! It's going to be amazing and I can't wait to see what God
is going to do with and through me!!! I am so excited.

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