Monday, August 3, 2009


so i'm trying to be happy and not live depressed.
i really truly am.

and i try to make sure i eat something and that
i'm not purposely harming myself by being unhealthy.

and then....

days like today happen.

where i just want to curl up in my bed and cry.
(even though i'm clueless as to why i still get like this)
and where i go all day until 5-6 o clock without
eating anything and my mom makes me eat even
though i'm not hungry at all.

and even though its hot & humid today, and i'm not
even close to hydrated and when i stand up i feel dizzy,
a big part of me wants to go for a long walk with nothing
but my music to keep me company.

i HATE days like this because i hate feeling like this
and getting out of this mindset is hard. *sigh*

another day in the life.

thank goodness for the stars ♥

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