Friday, December 31, 2010

goodbye 2010, hello 2011 with a brand new me (an obligatory new year's eve post)

2010 was actually a pretty intense year for me... a LOT of things happened, pretty great things, some awfully horrid things, but mostly a LOT of good things, a lot of happy things.

i managed to complete 5 items from my bucket list,, which i just realized today so hey there's an accomplishment!! so let's see if i can do this in a way that won't utterly bore you all...

top 10 memories of 2010:

10. Photobucket

9. Photobucket

8. Photobucket

7. Photobucket

6. Photobucket

5. Photobucket

4. Photobucket

3. Photobucket

2. Photobucket

1. Photobucket


Top 10 Songs of 2010:

10. The Stand -Hillsong United

9. Break Free -Hillsong United

8. Vanilla Twilight -Owl City

7. Take A Chance -Landon Pigg

6. Missing -Flyleaf

5. Courage -Orianthi featuring Lacey from Flyleaf

4. The Fury -Disciple

3. Broken Heart -Falling Up

2. Stars -Switchfoot

1. Eternity -Disciple

10 New Things I Did in 2010:

10. took out a loan for my very own car.

9. got a tattoo.

8. started playing bass.

7. cut my hair the shortest it has ever been

6. applied to a school & ended up not going.

5. took a couple road trips alone to experience life.

4. met new friends.

3. started wearing more than just band t's and jeans.

2. got a second job, and even though i usually hate it, i am still working there

1. told someone impactful in my life how much they meant to me, and then did whatever i could to meet them.

well it's a short blog but 2010 pretty much in quick review here for anyone who actually reads my blog. i've also created a list of 11 resolutions for 2011 and actually intend to work hard and keep them this year. let's do it.

Goodbye disappointing 2010.
Hello new everything 2011.

Monday, December 27, 2010

changes and business and getting really excited for february!!

okay friendsss!

just wanted to let you all know that i've been immensely busy lately and not had much time to blog however, i have been working on my 2010 recap blog whenever i have spare time, i'm planning on including quite a few photos as well so it's taken me some time (plus i've learned some new editing techniques in photoshop so i've been experimenting with that as well! woo!!)

stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

66 things I have done.

Level 1:

[] Smoked A Cigarette

[] Kissed a member of the same sex

[x] Drank Alcohol


Level 2

[] Are / Been In Love

[] Been Dumped

[ ] Shoplifted

[] Been Fired

[] Been In A Fist Fight


Level 3

[x] Had A Crush On An Older Person

[x] Skipped School

[] Slept With A Co-worker

[x] Seen Someone / Something Die


Level 4

[x] Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends

[] Been To Paris

[] Been To England

[] Been On A Plane

[] Thrown Up From Drinking


Level 5

[x] Eaten Sushi

[] Been Snowboarding

[x] Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook/ Myspace/MXit

[x] Been in a Mosh Pit


Level 6

[x] Taken Pain Killers

[x] Loved/Liked Someone Who You Can’t Have

[x] Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By

[x] Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 12

Level 7

[x] Had A Tea Party

[x] Flown A Kite

[x] Built A Sand Castle

[] Gone Mudding

[x] Played Dress Up

SO FAR: 16

Level 8

[x] Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves

[x] Gone Sledding

[x] Cheated While Playing A Game

[x] Been Lonely

[x] Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 21

Level 9

[x] Watched The Sun Set

[] Felt An Earthquake

[x] Held A Snake

SO FAR: 23

Level 10

[x] Been Tickled

[] Been Robbed / Vandalized

[] Been Cheated On

[x] Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 25

Level 11

[x] Won A Contest

[] Been Suspended From School

[] Had Detention

[] Been In A Car / Motorcycle crash

SO FAR: 26

Level 12

[] Had / Have Braces

[] Eaten A Whole Pint Of Ice Cream In One Night

[WANT TO!!] Danced In The Moonlight

SO FAR: 25

Level 13

[x] Hated The Way You Look

[x] Witnessed A Crime

[] Pole Danced

[x] Questioned Your Heart

[] Been Obsessed With Post It Notes

SO FAR: 27

Level 14

[x] Squished Barefoot Through The Mud

[x] Been Lost

[] Been To The Opposite Side Of The World

[] Swam In The Ocean

[x] Felt Like You Were Dying

SO FAR: 30

Level 15

[x] Cried Yourself To Sleep

[x] Played Cops And Robbers

[x] Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers

[] Sang Karaoke

[] Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 33

Level 16

[x] Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn’t

[x] Made Prank Phone Calls

[x] Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose

[] Kissed In The Rain

SO FAR: 36

Level 17

[x] Written A Letter To Santa Claus

[x] Watched The Sun Set and/or Sun Rise With Someone You Care/Cared About

[x] Blown Bubbles

[x] Made A Bonfire On The Beach or Anywhere

SO FAR: 40

Level 18

[] Crashed A Party

[x] Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People

[x] Gone Rollerskating / Blading

[x] Had A Wish Come True

SO FAR: 43

Level 19

[x] Worn Pearls

[] Jumped Off A Bridge

[] Swam With Dolphins

SO FAR: 44

Level 20

[x] Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/Ice Cube

[] Kissed A Fish

[x] Worn The Opposite Sex’s Clothes

[x] Sat On A Roof Top

SO FAR: 47

Level 21

[x] Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs

[] Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel

[x] Talked On The Phone For More Than 4 Hours

[x] Recently Stayed Up For A While Talking To Someone You Care About

SO FAR: 45

Level 22

[] Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree

[x] Climbed A Tree

[] Had/Been In A Tree House

[x] Been Scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

SO FAR: 47

Level 23

[] Believe In Ghosts

[ ] Streaking

[x] Visited a Jail

SO FAR: 48

Level 24

[ ] Played Chicken

[] Been Told You’re Hot By A Complete Stranger

[ ] Broken A Bone

[x] Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 49

Level 25

[x] Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later

[] Made A Porn Movie

[x] Caught A Butterfly

[x] Laughed So Hard You Cried

[x] Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 53

Level 26

[] Mooned/Flashed Someone

[x] Had Someone Moon/Flash You

[x] Cheated On A Test

[x] Forgotten Someone’s Name

[x] French Braided Someones Hair

[] Gone Skinny Dipping

[] Been Kicked Out Of Your House

SO FAR: 57

Level 27

[x] Rode A Roller Coaster

[] Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling

[x] Had A Cavity

[] Black-Mailed Someone

[] Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 59

Level 28

[x] Been Used

[x] Fell Going Up The Stairs

[x] Licked by A Cat

[x] Bit Someone

[x] Licked Someone

SO FAR: 64

Level 29

[] Been Shot At/Or At Gunpoint

[] Had Sex In The Rain

[] Flattened Someones Tires

[x] Driven Your Car Until The Fuel Light Came On

[x] Got $20 Or Less Worth Of Fuel

Total: 66

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God Commands Courage

note: i borrowed this blog post from my friend Cara because i read it & it spoke to me,
so i really believe everyone can benefit from reading this, i know i did. :)

He commands us to be courageous more than anything else in Scripture.

"Who dares, wins."

Our Heavenly Father is committed to us overcoming fear in our life. Fear is one of the greatest works of the enemy in the life of the believer. Fear is absolutely debilitating. Fear is crippling. Fear is devastating. And the enemy works with fears in our lives on a continual basis. Fear is like faith in reverse gear - the exact opposite of faith. Fear provides for you evidence of that which is not actually there, but it will come across in such a way that all of your thinking & actions can be controlled by it.

I don't believe that there is a single believer that does not have to deal with fear, one way or another, in their life.

I believe that God is committed to dealing with fear in our lives, & at times, like a good Father, He will actually orchestrate circumstances to enable us to face up to issues of fear in. Sometimes, we run away from those situations instead of realizing, "No this is GOD designing a circumstance of fear in my life that I can overcome."

Fear begins with something small & it escalates & grows & it actually becomes something really crippling.

It's interesting, isn't it, that our walk with God begins with faith. We're saved by grace through FAITH. Faith is what activates salvation! Your walk with God began with faith - should we really be surprised that it continues as a walk of faith? Faith by faith we grow & we develop, & of course the enemy is always looking for opportunities to sew seeds like fear in us. I believe that we need to wage war on fear. We need to take fear seriously, & wage war on it. We can tend to categorize sin so that in our minds, some sin is "insignificant." We categorize it as such a low level of importance. Fear is one of those that has been categorized as some sort of petty misdemeanor. But God is FAR more committed to the eradication of fear in your life than you are. He understands that it is far more dangerous than you think it is.

I think one of the strategies of the enemy is to trick us into thinking that fear is not a big deal. But the fact that we all struggle with it does not mean that it's insignificant.

We need to wage war on fear & BELIEVE that it is going to be destroyed in our life. I will not be a person who is captured by fear. That's not going to be the way that I'm going to live.

I believe that God takes anxiety, worry, concern, fear, as seriously as He takes lust, pornography, adultery. If you had an issue with pornography, or stealing, or lying, you wouldn't just "learn to live with it!" You wouldn't accept it as a characteristic of who you are! You would say, "This has got to go! I know it offends Him & that He hates it!" He hates fear too. But He loves YOU. But He hates these things that bind us & often cause us to be fruitless. Nothing contributes to lack of fruitfulness like fear. Fear & courage tend to be the issues on which fruitfulness pivots in your life. You won't bear fruit if you don't find courage, & if the stranglehold of fear is not taken off of your life.

Fear has been minimized to something that's sort of not good to have, rather than something that actually takes lives...something that can rob us of freedom. We need to understand what we're really dealing with. It isn't just fear we do this with - we have these weird standards with things like vulgarity & things like that. Why do we take it lightly? All of these things matter to God!

God wants to meet us in fear. He might give us grace there & then, or He might give us strength to overcome it. But He WILL meet us in it. When your worst fears are realized, you will find grace in God.

When you confront fear with TRUTH, the enemy's lie is disbanded.

And you are set free.

Friday, December 10, 2010

this time.

remember those times when things were rushing past you and it seemed like life wouldn't stop for anything and you would laugh and cry, usually in the same day, thinking nothing could happen, nothing could change this, loving it and hating it at the same time and then one day...

it just STOPPED.

it wasn't bad. it isn't bad.

it's just stillness.

and you are expectant.

and you are searching.

because you are hungry.

so you turn off the tv

and set the ipod aside,

and your ravenous heart runs

and searches, and seeks,, it's longing.

and then just when you're almost at the end

of your rope because what you have been seeking

seems to be evading you,

you're at the top of the mountain, and

you are on your face before What you have been seeking,

Whom you have been seeking.

and it is beautiful.

Friday, December 3, 2010

"i love that photo because it's like we're a family"

december first two thousand and ten.

my fifth disciple concert...and so many other things.

the only word to even begin to describe the whole day is beautiful,
it was so many things and ALL of those things were beautiful.

the day began with sleeping in for me...and for anyone who doesn't know, i am NOT a morning
person but almost always work opening shifts at work (sometimes open then switch jobs and
close...which leads to very long days for me sometimes). well, i slept til 11 am and was TOTALLY
raring to go when i woke up... i grabbed my ipod, cranked up Disciple and started getting ready
for a rock show! i knew i wouldn't be able to pick my sister up from school until 2pm so i had some
time, but there was still so much to do!! i had to get my car ready (we were packing 5 people into
my little corsica! haha) and i had to get kevin's gift ready, james's gift ready and also pack my
concert bag that i always use (yay for sling bags!) once i had my stuff ready, i did my makeup,
straightened my hair (gotta have headbanging hair!) and walked into the living room just in
time to see Jared open the door and Jen walking through it saying something along the lines of
"brr its cold today!" but i didn't really hear her because i had tackled her with squeals of "it's
today it's today!!" she laughed and said "come on let's get going!" so we piled into my car and
headed to the bank because both jen and i had been saving our change for quite awhile in order
to give james some gas money since he'd come so far...i know my change jar had been growing for about 5 months :) those things are always fun! after we were done there, we picked up my
sister and her friend from school early (yeah yeah i know, not exactly legal lol!) and set off
for OCONOMOWOC!!!!!!!!! (with a side stop at dunkin doughnuts on the way haha).

the road trip was filled with music and words and OF COURSE laughter.
with that many people in my care, it was a major surprise to me that i didn't freak out or get really nervous driving...that usually happens to me when i'm driving to an unknown place or with that many people in my car. thank you disciple for calming my driving nerves though :) we played all the way from old school to kittens on a sister's friend Autumn had NO IDEA what kittens on a cloud was when jen and i referenced it and neither did my sister surprisingly :P they needed to be educated ;-)

as the miles grew shorter, and the chatter quieted down, we let the music consume least i know i did. that is definitely one thing i love about driving long distances, it's easy to let the music take you away and then it doesn't seem so long of a journey.

alright so finally we're in Oconomowoc and i'm starting to freak out... oh my gosh we're seeing
Disciple...oh my gosh what if something goes wrong...what if we're late...what if james and heidi are already here and annoyed we aren't? what if the guys remember me from last time and act differently around me because of the blog i had written? fears were trying to take over the beauty of the day, but just like clockwork, God intervened with "dear x" on my ipod... and i was at peace...well, until we realized we were lost and had no idea where we were going... ha!
we stopped at a kwik trip and had a potty break while jared asked for directions (i'm thankful he's so practical :P )

not too long thereafter, we arrived at the church where the concert was being held. i turned my car off, opened the door and closed it again, it was absolutely FRIGID!! however, i never wear a sweatshirt into concerts so being stubborn and resolute i climbed out of the car in my tshirt as the snowflakes swirled around me and ventured to the door of the venue where i saw heidi and james waiting and i no longer worried or cared about anything. seeing heidi was a reminder that i was among people who cared about me, loved me even, and i had nothing to worry about, no reason to fear :)
God's awesome at doing things like that.

well, the doors didn't open for another hour and a half so we just kind of stood around shivering waiting and waiting. dear james, it was not my fault you took your sweatshirt off!! haha!! even though jen glared at me like a bajillion times, i still laugh looking back on that moment lol. "i can't be outdone by a girl!" ohh james :)

after about 20-30 minutes my sister, her friend and jared said " that's it we're out of here" and took my car keys to go sit in my car and be warm...jen, james, heidi and i all waited in the cold instead...and finally! we were able to go inside :) basically, we made a beeline for the merch table because well a) i REALLY wanted to see amanda again, she's one of the sweetest & kindest people i have ever met in my life and i greatly enjoy being around her :) and b) we were hoping at least one of the guys would be around so we could give them their stuff...

well, amanda was there alright but none of the guys were in sight until i noticed kevin talking with someone by the compassion table...and i saw my opportunity to say hi. i could tell he was in a hurry but i just wanted to say hi, so as he was walking past (definitely preoccupied) i lightly touched his shoulder and said hey. he replied with a distracted "hi." then looked up, saw me and did a doubletake, and in that instant my heart ached because i knew he remembered me and it was one of the greatest feelings ever. what happened next i did not expect...i could tell he was in a hurry but he reached and grabbed me into a VERY tight gripping hug that brought tears to my eyes. "i gotta run to a prayer meeting" he said, "but i am SO glad you're here!!"
he smiled again, and took off, leaving me speechless and unsure of how i was feeling. jen just looked at me and smiled and i had to brush away a tear that had rolled down my cheek... who was this girl? i thought to myself. i NEVER cry in public and here i am, in front of one of my HEROES just crying! but i pushed the thought out of my mind, turned around and gave amanda a giant hug because i was really truly glad to see her!!

we hung around the table for what seemed like ages just talking to her and checking the new stuff out, admiring the 'dear x' shirt that they'd just recently created and their new photo which included trent yaaay! :P next thing i knew, i looked up and there was andrew, approaching the table, so i smiled and said "hey!" and he shook hands with someone, and next thing i know we're all hugging...gosh i love those people!! and then, not only did he chat for a bit, he hung around with us for like half an hour just chatting and being social... it was definitely a blessing that he did not have to choose to give us :) but then head started playing, he had to run and he agreed to take the energy drinks etc with him... and so we headed into the concert!


Brian Head Welch was first up and his music style has never been something i've been into but i had heard his story and knew what happened in his life and i DEFINITELY wanted to see him, so jen, james and i (who had lost track of jared, my sister and her friend) pushed to the front and took a few photos. unfortunately, i didn't really know his music but it was still an enjoyable set. he is very animated and seeing him raise his hands in worship definitely had me praising God :)

next up was silverline which i took like no pics of, mostly because i had never heard of them and wasn't too interested.. i was there for disciple and i definitely had my mind set on it haha. between sets...we took pictures! haha poor people around us! my flash is mildy blinding...




then, one of my very favorite scenes appeared and i knew it was time.
ready to rock.
ready for God to reach into my soul with the words and the melodies and the people playing & speaking them.
i was vulnerable and okay with it.
nothing more beautiful.


as they prayed for who knows what (probably the show, for people to be lifted to God) i prayed for them, for the lives God wanted to touch through them, and then they broke apart and began to bring the rock.

apologies here to whoever wants the setlist from the show...
i've gotten it to this but this may not be correct...i swear it's close though!

game on
rise up
watch it burn
worth the pain
after the world
dear x (you don't own me)
the ballad of st augustine
scars remain

i at least know they played all those songs :P haha

i rocked SO hard during that set... my body was thrown every which way and i think i headbanged more than i EVER have.... the gym floor was SLIPPERY so jumping was tough but i definitely did my best :P it's a good thing i was right against the bar because i got dizzy more than once... i didn't care though, i was exactly where i love being.


as kevin spoke before after the world, the tears just welled up inside of me because i knew what he was speaking was SO TRUE and it reminded me of the previous time i'd seen them and he had spoken such similar things to me, it was different yet i know it was God speaking to me, reminding me of who i was because of who He had made me... and i was so overwhelmed so as the opening chords of 'after the world' began, i was just basically a mess. as the tears fell down, i just shut my eyes tight and listened to the words i knew by heart, but it was different this time... this time it was God singing to me, and He gave me visual images of things from my life, examples of when He was there when i didn't think He was... proof of how much He really loves me.

(random girly side note, at this point of the show i KNEW buying waterproof eyeliner had been a wise decision!!!!!!!!!!!)

so, being a total, beautiful mess as they finished that song, i opened my eyes grinning just KNOWING the victory God had won in my life.
and i sang along with 'dear x' at the top of my lungs, just screaming for the things that didn't own me anymore.
and it was beautiful.

after Disciple finished, jen and i noticed james had vanished (he'd drifted away from us in the pit) and so we went to go find him (plus i totally needed water and air haha)

then we chilled some more, listened to speakers and the compassion talk and then red performed and we had moved toward the back of the gym at this point, by the doors of the gym and at one point jen goes whats that? and we looked up and trent was shining a flashlight at us and he waved, we waved back and kept rocking out to red. ps, heidi is the cutest headbanger i know:


a few more concert shots:




once the show was finished, we hung out in the hallway and the guys came out to sign and so we waited for people to go through the line then we walked up and got smiles and hugs all around...

took a few pics that make me laugh now:


i handed james my camera and forgot i did it... this is how it went down:

james: im a lil narcassistic...give me a camera and thats what happens"
kevin: with a beard like that i dont blame do the same!"

so then jen and i made sure we got a pic with trent ONLY and he got a kick out of that, made sure to call special attention to it and everything :P


then i turned and kevin was holding the pictured i'd purchased to get signed and waving it around asking whose it was and i was like "that's mine sorry" and took it and he smiled and gave me yet another amazing hug. "how ARE you??" he wanted to know, and i just said "amazing. i have never been more amazing in my life." (later on i got an opportunity to thank him for praying over me the last time and the healing that occurred but that wasn't of major importance so this is as much as i'll include it here). well anyways, he smiled, and i was nervous, but took a deep breath and told him about the monsters we brought, the bag full of goodies and his box that andrew had taken back. he hadn't seen it yet and therefore did not know what was inside or anything so, even though i had nerves going and my stomach was all in knots, i launched into my explanation of what was inside.

you see, i had purchased a gift card for Build-a-Bear Workshop for him, with enough on it that he could take his wife and daughter and let them pick anything they wanted, any animal, and make it for their very own. not only that, but i made sure to tell him about the recordable sounds that they have... i told him that he can record his voice so that when he is gone on tour, Avery and Julie will still be able to hear him... at this point, i had been looking downish because making eye contact was too hard, i was getting teary just talking about it...and i looked up at him and his eyes were filled with tears and i could tell he was trying very hard not to cry and i knew i could NOT have him doing that or i'd be a basket i said "don't you cry! if you start i won't be able to stop!" so instead, he grabbed me into yet another hug and the tears i had been holding back just fell and i didn't even care... and as he let go, i was basically at a whisper saying, "giving you a chance at a beautiful memory seemed like the least i could do, the only way i could think of to even begin saying thank you to you." and he said "well thank you. i am going to take Avery for Christmas, i'd like to do the voice thing very much" and i grinned and just kind of stood there as everyone else finished talking to people and such. after a little bit, we got set up for a couple photos


this photo is where the title from my blog comes, it's a quote from heidi when talking to her about the show, a couple days later. she made it her profile picture on facebook and when i asked her why out of all of them she chose that one and she said "i love that photo because it's like we're a family" and truly, that is what it is, it's how it is.

and just for andrew, the awkward video that derrick made thinking he was taking a picture...
apparently andrew really likes watching these haha. he said he'd get mad at jen if she DIDN'T post it on youtube :P

and then the band members all had to go tear down and get packed up and ready to fly to germany the next day.

what did we do? we headed over to the merch table to help amanda tear down and pack up :) with willing hearts we did whatever needed to be done...folding cloths, carrying bags, serving was a beautiful thing and there was a smile plastered to my face the whole time :)



(okay i lied i'm writing more about talking to kevin again haha)
after getting those things loaded up and ready to go out on the dolly, i turned around to find heidi and see what she was up to and i saw kevin working on stuff at the compassion table so i went over and with a pounding heart i began to speak about what had happened last time and how God used him, how He healed me from Kevin's prayer. i explained how i had cried the whole 4 hour drive home from Rhinelander last time but it was different than any tears before, i thanked him many times over for praying over me and the kindnesses they always show. i could see the exhaustion in his eyes and on his face but as i asked for one last hug before we left, he dropped what he was doing and said "absolutely" and then i asked him if he minded one more picture and as he hugged me, he just smiled and said, "let's do it" so i went to take a self-portrait style picture but jen rushed over and knowing me too well i guess said "i got it, here give me your camera" and so she took one

like an idiot, i was too concentrated on everything that wasn't the picture, and i forgot to smile so she looked at me, "LIZ SMILE ALREADY!" which made kevin and i laugh so the second attempt was much better


however, i may point out that even though i look like a doof in this photo, it's my favorite because kevin is truly smiling, not just posing, and that is how he smiles when he sees me and whenever the lies try to creep in that i am no one special, that i don't matter and that i'm not important to anyone, i see this image in my mind, i see every single time i've talked to anyone from the band, and i refute those lies because these people have shown me the love of Jesus every single time i've seen them, because whenever i'm around them, i don't feel insignificant, because it's like a family... and i am PROUD to call these people my brothers and sisters in Christ.

this is the end of my blog and i know it's not a typical concert blog for me,
nothing way out of the ordinary happened because i have come to expect
the extraordinary. after all, in the words of John Bevere, for followers of Christ,
extraordinary shouldn't be unexpected :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

i got bored of writing letters. did a few more and now i'm done.

You write a letter each day to the following:

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

dear Jesus :)

i love You with all that i know how.

without You i know i'd be dead in an eternal torment.

i don't deserve You.

i will never walk away from You.

♥ forever Yours.

Day 2 — Your Crush

i don't have a crush but um... dear future potential husband...

i'm waiting for you mister! get a move on! haha kidding!

but really, the thing i hope most for you is that you are

pursuing the Lord 100%. Not only do i want you to love Him more

than me, but i also will need you to help lead me because that's

how He designed us. i really hope also that you have a love and

passion for music, and not just listening to it but singing and

or playing/performing it as well!! let me tell you, i'm excited

to meet you like you probably don't even know =) i've never dated

ANYONE so i hope that means something to you ♥ be blessed until we

meet! :)
Day 3 — Your parents

dear mom & dad...

there's so much i could say here, how many times we've fought, how

much i still disagree with you on many things... we could reminisce

about all of the fun times from growing up, the amazing times we still

have, especially when its us 3 girls and you two in the van headed to

somewhere yet nowhere at the same time. i could write about the millions

of times i've helped you weed our garden, the countless tractor rides,

even the day we got our cats! there are many stories i could dictate here

like riding a ferry to madeline island then rock island and getting eaten

alive by biting flies and mosquitoes just so we could see a lighthouse :)

i could bring up mom's mountain dew addiction and dad's weird obsession

with making us all laugh so hard we can't breathe *cough*anita*cough*

...but instead of all of that... instead i choose to write the few

words that i know can sum it all up without saying too little or too much:

i love you.

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

dear all 7 of my siblings (even you adam michael! can't wait to meet you someday!)

life has been CRAZY with all of you && i wouldn't trade a single one of you

for anything in the world!!! i DO wish that you would all come to know the

Jesus i do in the way i do, or even more! He loves you SO much more than you

could ever imagine and it makes me really sad whenever i think that once we

die i won't get to see you all again... if you turn to Him we can! we'll

never be apart then! i will pray for you forever.

love, your sis♥
Day 5 — Your dreams

dear dreams... will you PLEASE align yourself to God?!

and don't stop happening!! just because i'm content with whatever He

gives me at a particular time doesn't mean i shouldn't keep dreaming

so don't go away!! i remember when i thought you didn't exist anymore

and you couldn't ever come back... i'm glad things have changed :)

keep soaring!

Day 6 — A stranger

dear sir or madam.. did you know that there is this AMAZING God who loves you??

He's CRAZY about you!!!!!!! not only THAT but He wants to BE with YOU!! i know

this might be weird coming from a perfect stranger like me but let me tell you,

i know how your life goes. maybe it's okay maybe it's horrid but it's all the

same, at the end of the day when you lay your head down on that pillow or in

those quiet moments where it's just you, you KNOW something is missing. now,

maybe you're trying to fill that void with successes or achievements, friends,

or relationships, but let me tell you that He created that void just for Him

to fill!! He wants to be in a love relationship with you SO BADLY that He has

done EVERYTHING necessary to make it possible!! if you would like to hear more

just let me know, i'm always here :)

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

i don't have any letters to write here lol. sorry all :P

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

dear person.

we never talk anymore.

when we do i feel like i don't know you at all.

i have come to believe i'm a really bad friend because of this.

it hurts because i miss you & you are quite happy without me.



Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

dear friend of mine...

you know who you are & how much i wish i could hug you.

we've talked, laughed, cried and stalked together.

our love for Jesus and music, not to mention our life stories

have made us more alike than anyone i've ever met in this life.

yet... our words are miles apart no matter what we do to try

and make the distance seem smaller. i've stopped dreaming of

being able to visit you & have set my hopes on seeing you on

the other side instead....hence why i've chosen you for this

letter. i'd love meet a million other people but you are number

one. love you always ♥

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

dear person.

we used to be close.

we talked a LOT.

now we don't.

it feels as though you avoid me,

like i'm your last-resort of a friend.

i hate thinking that might be true.

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

dear grandpa weidman...

i've always wanted to know you :)

from what i hear, i was your favorite grandchild and

even though your mind was going, you loved holding me

and that one time you almost dropped me? it's okay :)

i know you would't let go on purpose.

i love you ♥

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

dear katie.

i do not hate you.

however i am still REALLY angry towards you...and i wish i wasn't.

you were the BEST friend i could ask for for SO many years!

what happened to change that?! i just don't understand how

getting a horse changed you into somebody that even your

family hates being around. all those years we spent by each

other's sides... it's such a sad thing to realize i will

never speak to you again, that we will never laugh again at

those jokes like we used to...but alas i have moved on.

have a great life.

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you

you won't and i can't fix it.
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

i could name a few dozen people here...

m, j, h, c, m, n, and on and on.
Day 15 — The person you miss the most

i've already mentioned that person in more than

one letter.
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country

mandy & dee!!

i want to go to australia soooooooo bad ladies!!

never forget that i ♥ you bunches!!
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

i give up on the rest of these. boringggggggggggggggggggg
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirro

letters. day 9.

You write a letter each day to the following:

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

dear Jesus :)

i love You with all that i know how.

without You i know i'd be dead in an eternal torment.

i don't deserve You.

i will never walk away from You.

♥ forever Yours.

Day 2 — Your Crush

i don't have a crush but um... dear future potential husband...

i'm waiting for you mister! get a move on! haha kidding!

but really, the thing i hope most for you is that you are

pursuing the Lord 100%. Not only do i want you to love Him more

than me, but i also will need you to help lead me because that's

how He designed us. i really hope also that you have a love and

passion for music, and not just listening to it but singing and

or playing/performing it as well!! let me tell you, i'm excited

to meet you like you probably don't even know =) i've never dated

ANYONE so i hope that means something to you ♥ be blessed until we

meet! :)
Day 3 — Your parents

dear mom & dad...

there's so much i could say here, how many times we've fought, how

much i still disagree with you on many things... we could reminisce

about all of the fun times from growing up, the amazing times we still

have, especially when its us 3 girls and you two in the van headed to

somewhere yet nowhere at the same time. i could write about the millions

of times i've helped you weed our garden, the countless tractor rides,

even the day we got our cats! there are many stories i could dictate here

like riding a ferry to madeline island then rock island and getting eaten

alive by biting flies and mosquitoes just so we could see a lighthouse :)

i could bring up mom's mountain dew addiction and dad's weird obsession

with making us all laugh so hard we can't breathe *cough*anita*cough*

...but instead of all of that... instead i choose to write the few

words that i know can sum it all up without saying too little or too much:

i love you.

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

dear all 7 of my siblings (even you adam michael! can't wait to meet you someday!)

life has been CRAZY with all of you && i wouldn't trade a single one of you

for anything in the world!!! i DO wish that you would all come to know the

Jesus i do in the way i do, or even more! He loves you SO much more than you

could ever imagine and it makes me really sad whenever i think that once we

die i won't get to see you all again... if you turn to Him we can! we'll

never be apart then! i will pray for you forever.

love, your sis♥
Day 5 — Your dreams

dear dreams... will you PLEASE align yourself to God?!

and don't stop happening!! just because i'm content with whatever He

gives me at a particular time doesn't mean i shouldn't keep dreaming

so don't go away!! i remember when i thought you didn't exist anymore

and you couldn't ever come back... i'm glad things have changed :)

keep soaring!

Day 6 — A stranger

dear sir or madam.. did you know that there is this AMAZING God who loves you??

He's CRAZY about you!!!!!!! not only THAT but He wants to BE with YOU!! i know

this might be weird coming from a perfect stranger like me but let me tell you,

i know how your life goes. maybe it's okay maybe it's horrid but it's all the

same, at the end of the day when you lay your head down on that pillow or in

those quiet moments where it's just you, you KNOW something is missing. now,

maybe you're trying to fill that void with successes or achievements, friends,

or relationships, but let me tell you that He created that void just for Him

to fill!! He wants to be in a love relationship with you SO BADLY that He has

done EVERYTHING necessary to make it possible!! if you would like to hear more

just let me know, i'm always here :)

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

i don't have any letters to write here lol. sorry all :P

Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend

dear person.

we never talk anymore.

when we do i feel like i don't know you at all.

i have come to believe i'm a really bad friend because of this.

it hurts because i miss you & you are quite happy without me.



Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

dear friend of mine...

you know who you are & how much i wish i could hug you.

we've talked, laughed, cried and stalked together.

our love for Jesus and music, not to mention our life stories

have made us more alike than anyone i've ever met in this life.

yet... our words are miles apart no matter what we do to try

and make the distance seem smaller. i've stopped dreaming of

being able to visit you & have set my hopes on seeing you on

the other side instead....hence why i've chosen you for this

letter. i'd love meet a million other people but you are number

one. love you always ♥

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirro